Increasing public consciousness and making people interested in preschool education is a very important factor for preschool education sphere development. So a lot of activities have been carried out in this direction by the National Curriculum Department at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia with the support of UNICEF.

  • A week “Education and Development in Early Age” was held for the first time in Georgia. The aim of the week was to increase public consciousness about the importance of preschool education. The activities planned within the week were carried out in Tbilisi and other regions. Children, their parents, kindergarten teachers and directors, representatives of the local governments, Ministry of Education and science of Georgia and UNICEF were taking part in the preschool education week.
  • A social TV advertisement on children development support and positive upbringing was created. The advertisement was on TV through September, 2012.
  • Informative booklets “Positive Relationship between Children and Parents,” “Children Development in Early Age,” “The Importance of Preschool Education” were created and translated in ethnic minorities’ languages. The booklets were given to all the preschool education institutions.
  • Preschool education issues were on TV and radio through 2012.

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